Search Results
Tiina Sanila-Aikio: Effect of forestry for the Saami reindeer husbandry
Tiina Sanila-Aikio, keynote address at the Arctic Biodiversity Congress
TIINA SANILA AIKIO ilmastonmuutos
Finland's Sami President calls on world to combat climate change
Tiina Sanila Aikio - videotervehdys
The women fighting for Lapland - BBC News
Arktinen puheenjohtajuus - Tiina Sanila-Aikio
Annukka Valkeapää: Finns' criticism towards clear-cuttings
Ij leäkku tuõtt – It´s not true
Finland's Sami President calls on world to combat climate change
New land use pressures and human rights in Sápmi ( English Subtitles)
The women fighting for Lapland - BBC World Service